Your Donation Matters!
Our goal is not only to serve people today but also to ensure that our stories, objects, and buildings are here hundreds of years from now. We are grateful to our dedicated staff, donors, and volunteers who continue to preserve our history and connect with people. We believe that, especially now, people need the personal connection that history can provide. You may make a general donation or designate your donation to a specific cause. Donations may also be mailed to P.O. Box 43, Los Alamos, NM 87544.
Please designate:
The Oppenheimer House Fund to help us fund the necessary repairs to open the house to the public.
General Fund to support Historical Society Lectures, Programs, Museum, and Archive.
Donations of Historic Items
If you believe you have a historic item that supports the LAHS mission statement, please send a detailed description, with photos if possible, to actech@losalamoshistory.org. Please do not drop donations at the museum or administrative offices.
All offers of donation are provided a careful, rigorous, and thoughtful selection process. Staff will provide instructions if your donation is accepted for further review.